发布者:cadit 发布时间:2015/12/1 阅读:14736 次

CAD-IT is proud to announce that the company has been awarded KPMG's Enterprise 4th year running and E50 for 2015. Our deepest appreciation is also due to partners,customers and friends for their trust and support for us.

The E50 Awards recognise local, privately-held companies who have contributed to economic development in Singapore and abroad. Jointly organised by The Business Times and KPMG, and supported by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDAS), International Enterprise Singapore (IE Singapore), Singapore Business Federation (SBF) and SPRING Singapore, this win formally inducts.

CAD-IT into an elite group of alumni winners as the cream of Singapore's business crop.

Year after year, new E50 companies top the headlines with extensive media coverage in The Business Times and other media. With valuable endorsement and a mark of recognition, E50 companies are the ones to watch in the business community.
The E50 Awards seeks to recognise the fifty most enterprising privately-held local companies in Singapore.

The ranking of the top fifty companies will be primarily on a weighted-average computation of a set of performance indicators over a three-year period, including:
• Operating Profit Before Tax (OPBT)
• Turnover
• Return on Equity
• Growth in Operating Profits
• Growth in Turnover
• Net Tangible Assets
• Operating Cash Flow as a percentage of OPBT
• Quick Ratio
• Debt to Equity Ratio
• Return on Total Fixed Assets
• Operating Profit per Employee
• Percentage of Turnover from Overseas Operations
• Percentage of Payroll Spent on Training
• Percentage of Gross Turnover Spent on R&D

In addition, qualitative factors such as business model, productivity and innovations, management ideals and governance, knowledge initiatives, market branding and presence, and liquidity and risk management will be taken into consideration in ranking the companies. These qualitative factors will not influence the rankings by more than 45%.
